Jan.23 (Mon.)14:00~ Mini Symposium (Commemorating 50 years of diplomatic relations between Japan and Mongolia)

Commemorating 50 years of diplomatic relations between Japan and Mongolia, the International Center for Biotechnology and Center for Global Initiatives at Osaka University, the Institute of Biology at Mongolian Academy of Sciences, and the School of Arts and Sciences at National University are organizing a joint mini symposium on biotechnology on January 23 (Monday).

Faculty members, researchers, and graduate students from relevant fields will present their research studies. We welcome everyone interested.

Date: January 23 (Monday)
Time: 14:00-17:30 (Osaka time), 13:00-16:30 (Ulaanbaatar time)

Format: Online (Zoom meeting)

Registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwuce6uqDopEtN89vsMKbl3WA3RkyQE3Pk9

Seat limit: 300 people

For further information, please see the poster attached. Please share and invite anyone who may be interested.


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