

What's New


Recently completed conferences


Invitation to Conference


Event schedule


Objectives of Conference




Who should attend?


Organizing Committee





LINK to ICBiotech


 The Outcome

The activities of conference series and workshop will

-- provide the participants with opportunities to share knowledge, experiences, ideas and motivation on the regional HRD.

-- consolidating gains from the previous programs and develop a new strategy to improve the delivery of the regional HRD in biotechnology that matches the evolving needs of times from regional stand point, addressing the visibility of the program, its attractiveness and usefulness from a regional standpoint, and sustainability.

-- promote networking across the region among a wide range of participants including the alumni of the previous course, biotechnology experts, university management, S&T policy-makers and industrial representatives that leads to new, broader and closer cooperation and partnership in the biotechnology, and in delivering the next-generation HRD program for sustainable development in the region.