We had bowling Game and Year-end party at Umeda.
Plant Visit
We went to Kobe Plant of Morinaga Milk Industry Co Ltd.
Farewel and Welcome Party
We had a farewel party for Nhung (Vietnamese) who has graduated from master course on this September, and a welcome party for Ronilo (Filipino) and Surya (Indonesian) who are have started thier master course from this October.
Assoc. Prof. Jarunya from Center for Cassava Molecular Biotechnology, Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Thailand gave us the seminar.
Annual Meeting of The Society for Biotechnology
Ms. Nhung, Ms. Jah, Mr. Hadae, Mr. Miyauchi, Mr. Ohashi had the presentations in the 64th Annual and the 90th anniversary meeting of The Society for Biotechnology held in Kobe International Conference Center.
Alumni Visit
Dr. Wanida visited our lab.
Move to Temporal Space
We have been moved to the temopral space (C2 and GSE builging) due to the construction of the new building and the renovation of the old building.
Visit to Italy
Prof. Fujiyama visited Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) in Rome under "Executive Program" for international researcher exchanges and cooperative research supported by Italian goverment.
YSS Seminar at Hanoi
Assist. Prof. Ohashi and Mr. Kanazawa had presentations at JSPS Asian CORE Program titled "JSPS Asian CORE YSS in Hanoi 2012" is held in Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology (IMBT), Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Lab trip
We went to Yamanaka Onsen at Ishikawa prefecture.
Graduate School Diploma Conferment Ceremony
Commencement Ceremony in Biotechnology Course was held on Sep. 28. Nhung and Jah got Master degree.
Alumni Visit
Ms. Takeuchi has been graduated from the master's program last year visited our laboratory.
Dr. Donini from Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) in Rome, and Assoc. Prof. Rakhi from Department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India gave us the seminars.
RGJ Seminar
Assist. Prof. Ohashi gave a seminar as invited speaker in the Royal Golden Jubilee (RGJ) Seminar Series LXXXVIII Microbial Resources: Their Biodiversity and Utilization held at Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Short Stay and Short Visit Program (Japanese Students went to Thailand)
Four M1 students of our lab participated in the Short Stay and Short Visit Program supported by JASSO and stayed for 5 weeks, 1 student at Kasetsart University, 1 at KMUTT, and 2 at Chulalongkorn University.
Short Stay and Short Visit Program (Foreign exchange students came to Japan)
We welcomed 5 foreign students under the Short Stay and Short Visit Program supported by JASSO and they stayed for 1 month, 1 student from KMUTT, Thailand and 4 from Kasetsart University, Thailand.
Cheering Party for Entrans Exam
We are the Champion!
We finally won the "Yamada Cup"- softball game competition that is annually held and 12 labs of biotechnology course participated in.
Research Proposal by B4 students
B4 students gave talks on their research plans.
Good luck!!
Wellcome Party under cherry tree in full bloom
We had a wellcome party for new comers under cherry tree in full bloom.
Presentation in JSBBA 2012 in Kyoto Women's University
In annual meeting of JSBBA; Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry 2012 in Kyoto Wemen's University, Takao OHASHI, Hiroyuki KAJIURA gave their presentation of the updated results.
Graduation Ceremony
Graduation ceremony was held in OSAKA-JO HALL. Congraturations!
Farewell Party
We had a farewel party for Mr. Sasami, Ms. Takeuchi and Ms. Fukura of master course graduates. We hope your future success!
We had a seminar entiled "Functional analysis of lectins in Aspergillus fumigatus" by Dr. Kanae Sakai who is our alumni of ICBiotech, graduated from Nihira lab. Currently she is working at Medical Mycology Research Center, Chiba University, and had stayed our lab for 2 weeks.
Presentation for Graduation Thesis
Five undergraduates gave their presentations for graduation thesis. Finally they passed the exam, congratulations!
Seminar and Farewell Party
We had a seminar and farewell party for Dr. Kajiura and Ms. Kakudo. They have made continuing contributions for the establishment and the development of Fujiyama lab. We expressed our cordial gratitudes to their efforts. We are welcome you every time!
Hakko Party
We joined "Hakko Party (Biotechnology course Party)"
Presentations of Master Thesis
Mr. Sasami, Ms. Takeuchi and Ms. Fukura successfully defended their master thesis. Congratulations!!
JICA-JST Researchers are coming
Dr. Anicha, Dr. Apichai were coming and conducting the research for a week.
Prof. Ryu in UC Davis visited our lab and had a seminar entiled "Recent Trends in Biotechnology".
Visiting to Thailand
Prof. Fujiyama and Assist. Prof. Ohashi attended JSPS Young Scientist Seminar 2011 held at Faculty of Science, Mahidol University (31 Jan) and Thai Society for Biotechnology (TSB) held at Imperial Queen's Park Hotel in Bangkok city (1 - 2 Feb).
Assist. Prof. Ohashi gave his presentation "Development of host vector system in an oleaginous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides DMKU3-TK16 and screening of other oleaginous yeasts showing high glycerol assimilation" on JSPS Asian CORE Joint Symopsium in TSB.
They also visited KMUTT (30 Jan), BIOTEC (3 Feb), Kasetsart University (3 Feb) and made discussions with Thai researchers.
New Year Party
We had a new year party and enjoyed the oyster pot dishes